Let’s Talk About—The Illiberal Face of America Riverside
Fee: $65.00
Dates: 4/8/2025 - 5/13/2025
Times: 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Days: Tu
Sessions: 6
Building: EUV Riverside
Instructor: Stephen Harding
Seats Still Available: 87
It’s historic. The country’s illiberal/anti-liberal tendencies can be traced back to the founding. It is even evidenced by reviewing the nation’s long-held affinity with authoritarian foreign dictators. Utilizing the scholarship of Steven Hahn, Jacob Heilbrunn, Robert Kagan, Federico Finchelstein, and Farid Zakaria, this class will discuss how the idea of popular anti-liberalism is not new. The ideologies of right-wing populism, anti-globalism, neo-nationalism, and authoritarianism have long been at odds with what was thought to be the nation’s liberal founding. The very idea of freedom for all remains in question.
Please note that if you do not see the "Add to Cart" button under your course, you must first create a new account or sign in to your current account. If you do not have current membership, once you have signed in, add your membership to the cart in order to register for courses.
The Week's News in Review - Riverside
Fee: $65.00
Dates: 4/10/2025 - 5/15/2025
Times: 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Days: Th
Sessions: 6
Building: EUV Riverside
Instructor: Martha Miller
Seats Still Available: 44
An interactive discussion of events shaping the news each week. Media sources include print, TV, the internet, and social media. This course will discuss politics, the economy, sports, show business, and topics pulled from the "headlines." Discussion based course hosted by UCR Osher volunteers.
Please note that if you do not see the "Add to Cart" button under your course, you must first create a new account or sign in to your current account. If you do not have current membership, once you have signed in, add your membership to the cart in order to register for courses.
Connections Through Conversation
Fee: $65.00
Dates: 4/11/2025 - 4/25/2025
Times: 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Days: F
Sessions: 3
Building: EUV Riverside
Instructor: Michael Gouveia
Seats Still Available: 44
How to start conversations, Small talk pointers, How to listen, When to ask questions, How to gracefully end conversations, and Resources to help you connect with others.
Please note that if you do not see the "Add to Cart" button under your course, you must first create a new account or sign in to your current account. If you do not have current membership, once you have signed in, add your membership to the cart in order to register for courses.
World War II on the American Home Front
Fee: $65.00
Dates: 5/19/2025 - 6/30/2025
Times: 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Days: M
Sessions: 6
Building: EUV Riverside
Instructor: Robert Ellingsen
Seats Still Available: 39
By the afternoon of December 7, 1941, most Americans had heard that Japanese planes had attacked the U.S. naval base at Pearl Harbor in Hawaii that morning. Four days later, their country would be at war with Japan, Germany, and Italy. Fighting the Second World War would constitute a profound challenge for the U.S. government and would affect virtually the entire American population in one way or another. This course will examine World War II on the American "home front." Specifically, we will study how the nation's economy was quickly and effectively mobilized for war. We will also analyze how three and a half years of war affected many aspects of American life, including race relations, women's roles, geographic mobility, and domestic politics. Finally, we will examine how Americans on the "home front" learned about what they thought about and the war their relatives and friends were fighting on the battlefields of Europe and the Pacific.
Please note that if you do not see the "Add to Cart" button under your course, you must first create a new account or sign in to your current account. If you do not have current membership, once you have signed in, add your membership to the cart in order to register for courses.
The Jeffersonian Revolution
Fee: $65.00
Dates: 5/21/2025 - 6/25/2025
Times: 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Days: W
Sessions: 6
Building: EUV Riverside
Instructor: Michael Hayman
Seats Still Available: 42
Explore some pivotal moments as James Madison, in league again with Thomas Jefferson, devoted himself to making the government designed by the newly ratified Constitution a living reality.
Please note that if you do not see the "Add to Cart" button under your course, you must first create a new account or sign in to your current account. If you do not have current membership, once you have signed in, add your membership to the cart in order to register for courses.
The Week's News in Review - Riverside
Fee: $65.00
Dates: 5/22/2025 - 7/3/2025
Times: 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Days: Th
Sessions: 6
Building: EUV Riverside
Instructor: Martha Miller
Seats Still Available: 43
An interactive discussion of events shaping the news each week. Media sources include print, TV, the internet, and social media. This course will discuss politics, the economy, sports, show business, and topics pulled from the "headlines." Discussion based course hosted by UCR Osher volunteers.
Please note that if you do not see the "Add to Cart" button under your course, you must first create a new account or sign in to your current account. If you do not have current membership, once you have signed in, add your membership to the cart in order to register for courses.